Our strength lies in the objective selection of real estate in locations of exceptional value. Together with carefully screened promoters, Belfius Immo goes for top-quality residential real estate (apartments, assisted living, student housing).
17 College
Sint-Michielskollegestraat, 1150 Sint-Pieters-Woluwe
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As an investment, residential real estate still remains an interesting asset class. The returns are not sky-high but (i) the risks are relatively low, (ii) the rental income is adjusted annually to the index, making this an investment product that provides protection against inflation and (iii) it is an asset of stable value that in many cases offers the prospect of capital gains.
Property management requires follow-up. Some investors prefer to do this themselves. Others outsource it to third parties – there are plenty of professional parties who take it on on favorable terms.
Real estate is indeed becoming more expensive because almost all of its cost components are becoming more expensive: land, building materials, labor and financing costs. In itself not a positive development but it will ensure that the demand for decent rental housing will increase:
- Young families will likely need to rent for a little longer to accumulate the necessary equity to acquire their own homes.
- Some families and singles may no longer want to invest in their own real estate and prefer to rent.
- It may become very difficult for part of the population to acquire their own housing. As a result, the rental market of quality yet affordable housing will have to expand. Which in turn is a socially inspired investment opportunity fully ESG compliant.